Texas History Program

The Texas History application portal will be open for Letters of Intent from May 1 – May 30 for organizations wishing to apply for our September 2025 grant cycle.  Please email Gary Smith at gnsmith@summerlee.org to set up an appointment to visit about your project prior to entering the portal.


Texas History Program Overview

Since 1988, the Texas History Program has embraced a broad and diverse group of projects from all regions of Texas. These projects have included the disciplines of archaeology, archives, libraries, media, museums, middle and secondary schools, higher education, preservation, publications and scholarly research.

Hints for Success

The Summerlee Foundation does not change its priorities from year to year but instead looks to those working in Texas History to articulate the needs of the field. There are, however, a few points that we might suggest.

  • The Summerlee Foundation is always on the look out for projects devoted to underserved cultural and geographic areas of the state.
  • We receive a great many proposals for restoration and renovation of historic properties, and while National Register Status and/or designation by the Texas Historical Commission are not a requirement for submitting a proposal, that status will make your proposal more compelling.
  • Projects that can tout the participation of well qualified individuals either as active participants or consultants help to make a proposal stronger.
  • Projects that demonstrate strong community support through funding, in-kind support, and volunteer participation also make a stronger proposal.



The applicant organization must be a 501(c)(3) public charity organization as defined by the IRS or a governmental unit as described in 170(c)(1) of the IRS code. The Summerlee Foundation observes the philosophy of best practices and DOES NOT award grant support in the following categories:

  • To individuals
  • For religious purposes or operating churches
  • For monuments and memorials
  • For courthouse restoration
  • For lobbying efforts
  • To organizations that do not share the mission of the Foundation



We’re happy to help—please contact us for more information.