Animal Protection Program

Due to the large number of proposals already submitted, we are no longer accepting Letters of Interest for our September 2024 Board Meeting. We will next reopen the grants portal on Monday, November 11, 2024 for our February 2025 Board Meeting. Thank you.


Please note that the Summerlee Foundation is no longer accepting Letters of Interest (LOI) or grant applications by mail or email. We are transitioning to a new and convenient online application and grants management system designed to assist you in submitting an LOI and a full proposal. To access the Summerlee Foundation Grant Portal at Foundant click here.

We will start accepting online Letters of Interest on July 1st and will close when we’ve reached the maximum number.

How to Apply

  • Review the guidelines to ensure your proposal is a good match for us
  • Create an account at our portal – be sure to select the Animal Program, not the History Program 
  • Select a username and password* allowing you to log on and log off to work at your own pace
  • Begin by registering the organization and contact person
  • Follow instructions for creating a Letter of Interest.  You will be asked for:
    • Proposal Title
    • Organization Description
    • Amount Requested
    • Purpose of Grant
    • IRS c 3 confirmation
    • Year Founded
    • Current Budget
  • Click submit when finished and receive an email confirming receipt
  • You will be notified by email in a few weeks on the status of your Letter of Interest
  • If accepted for further consideration, you will be invited to return to the Grant Application Portal and respond to a handful of additional questions, completing the full application

*Some grantseekers find it useful to save the grant portal under Favorites and use the Google password manager. Keeping track of username and password will allow others from your organization to log on to your account as needed

To learn more about using Foundant, visit their Tutorial Page and watch the video.

Interim Reports required for:

  • Grants over $50,000
  • Multi-year grants
  • Grants not completed within one year

Final Reports:

Required upon completion of project. Without a final report, a grantee may not receive future funding.

Download Guidelines


We’re happy to help—please contact us for more information.